2016 Message From the Webmistress
- At July 5, 2016
- By admin
- In News
March 2019 – The website is official NOT IN USE but I am still trying to update links.
July 2016: My every-other-year update!As you all know, I am not really updating this website very much, but I try to add new links and correct broken ones whenever I can. I added some new things to the Vikings page and Sam Low’s book on the front. If I ever get any time I may add a page of youtube videos and apps. As always, everyone is welcome to send ideas, suggestions, broken links, etc.
Since 2014 I have been doing some very exciting things, most of which I cannot talk about! My LinkedIn page is here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mary-gerardi-taylor-phd-2b6a9b83 SORRY – DELETED!
April 2014: Since my last update I have become a Consulting Editor for Communio, the International Catholic Review; spoken at a World Youth Day ecology conference in Rio; spoken again at Oxford; and spoken at a United Nations Parallel Event during the meetings on the Commission on the Status of Women. I had some help in updating broken links and adding a few things on the website, but in general I do not do any work on it anymore.
If you like this website and want to help, would you please consider making a donation to my 501c3 nonprofit, Pax in Terra? 100% of your donation will go toward programs, and I can send you a letter for a tax deduction (you only need a letter if you give more than $250, but you can have one for less if you ask!). Thank you very much!
Hello everyone! I am partially back from my hiatus. My doctoral dissertation was successfully defended in Spain in March. Over the past couple of years I presented parts of it at Oxford, at Yale University’s “Human Rights and Environment Dialogues,” at World Youth Day in Madrid, at the international “What is Life?” conference in Krakow, and other places. My wonderful defense committee included a member of Spain’s National Academy of Science and a member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity.
[My disssertation was on the philosophical, metaphysical, and theological underpinnings of an understanding of the environment/creation/nature, specifically on a “Third Trajectory” that goes beyond the First Trajectory of mechanical, extrinsic “scientism” of modernity (that is, a truncated form of real science, which in its atomism, dualism, and worship of utility is already rejected by both “deep ecology” holists and postmoderns); and at the same time, responding to many of the tensions the Second Trajectory face (especially the unique place of the human person, a response to the Heideggerian critique of metaphysics, the flight into ambiguity so ardently embraced by so many ecophilosophers, and much, much more) into a Third Trajectory that leaves nothing that is good in the other two behind, but which illuminates an understanding of the category of “relation” (as in: we are all related to one another and to nature) that includes integrity of persons and the beings of nature rather than their dissolution – again, and much, much more].
In the upcoming months I hope to FINALLY be adding new sites and maybe some new features. So keep sending broken links, new sites, etc.